We are on a continuous learning journey. We stay updated theoretically and practically so that we can contribute to and qualify the public debate about social change and systemic transformation. We disseminate knowledge and insights by writing opinion pieces, articles, and reports.
The members are the foundation and the core of the Academy. Together the members bring knowledge, experience and courage in to play to address complex societal issues. The members carry out change within their own organizations, engage decision-makers, and set new societal agendas.
The Academy is a place where ideas and new ways of addressing systemic societal challenges are developed - and where we come together for collective action.
Through mobilization of our collective power, we drive change agendas that push practices and political processes. We insist on involving those affected by the problems and challenging existing power dynamics and decision-making processes.
We are currently working on a change agenda called "En Vej til Alle" (Paths for Everyone). The Academy's work has been the starting point for the partnership between Bikuben Foundation, Mobilize, Modstrøm - Association of FGU students and youth around FGU, and Social Development Center SUS. The partnership has collaborated with the Danish Reform Commission to create opportunities for all young people and has mobilized a coalition for change among key societal actors.