En Vej til Alle (Paths for Everyone)

45,000 young people in Denmark are on the edge of society without jobs or education. This has been the case for decades despite numerous reforms. It has significant consequences for both the individual young person and society. "En Vej til Alle" (Paths for Everyone) mobilizes key stakeholders across civil society, businesses, and the public sector. Together, we focus on what works and find new paths for them to thrive in close collaboration with young people themselves.


Paths for Everyone started as a spark at a Lab at the Academy in 2021, where Nina Smith, who at the time was chair of The Danish Reform Commission , attended and spoke about the Commission's work. This prompted a number of Academy members to join forces to ensure that young people's own experiences became part of the knowledge base for the Commission's work and part of the public policy conversation about how we as a society solve the challenge of young people outside jobs and education.


Spring 2021


As a society, we cannot live with the fact that almost 45,000 young people are constantly excluded. We have a common task in creating Paths for Everyone: paths to communities, education and jobs for all young people - regardless of background and circumstances. No one can solve this complex problem alone. To contribute to real positive change, Paths for Everyone has initiated a coalition of employers' organizations, trade organisations, student organizations, municipalities, the housing movement and other relevant actors with a common ambition.


Real change happens when we innovate together

The Change Coalition consists of 40 organisations across sectors that collaborate on concrete change on five development platforms. Paths for Everyone is establishing itself as an independent organisation and is a partner in the government initiative Ungeløftet. The Academy - both members and the secretariat - have played a crucial role in the development of Paths for Everyone as an Agenda of Change that drives systemic change in relation to young people's pathways to work and education. young people's path to jobs and education and demonstrating a new approach to change in practice.  

At Paths for Everyone , we believe that we find the solutions of the future by listening to young people and professionals in practice. We believe that we need to connect the great local experiences and knowledge we already have with new experiments and innovative solutions. Because we develop our society best when we think holistically across silos and levels. And across the public sector, civil society and business. That approach is called a portfolio approach. Paths for Everyone insists on a close link between what is thought and decided by politicians and leaders and what young people and professionals experience actually works in reality. We create space to test and experiment with ideas and learn about impact together with the people who will put them into practice.

How does a long life with meaning look like? 

- Youth expert

Do you wish to know more?

Paths for Everyone has its own website where you can find out more about the work.

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