Together with Danish Design Center, the Academy has been tasked with creating a National Competence Center of Social Innovation. We call the project KOTE_0.


International work for social innovation

We need social innovation to address the major societal challenges we face - both nationally and globally. Denmark has a long and strong tradition of creating social innovation. Examples of groundbreaking social innovation include the public school system, cooperative movements, the folk high school movement, and the labor market model. However, social innovation is not a widely known concept in Denmark, and there is insufficient investment in promoting social innovation. KOTE_O aims to change that.

KOTE_0 is part of a pan-European network of national competence centers for social innovation, encompassing 150 organisations across 26 countries. The initiative is funded by the EU through the ESF+ program, which will allocate nearly €100 billion during the period 2021-2027.


2021 to the end of 2023


Social innovation in an international collaboration.


The Academy for Social Innovation and the Danish Design Center are leading the development of the platform in Denmark and have gathered a group of partners including Bikubenfonden, Den Sociale Kapitalfond, DISIE, Netværket for Systematisk Velfærdsinnovation, ROCKWOOL Fondens Interventionsenhed, Roskilde Festival, Roskilde University and Socialt Udviklingscenter SUS.


Social innovation needs to get in focus in the EU to prioritize resources

The establishment of a national platform for social innovation is the first step towards EU funding to support social innovation in Denmark. KOTE_0 is a platform. This means that we bring together and connect actors in a strong network working together to:

- strengthen the social innovation ecosystem

- Capacity building for key players

- put social innovation on the agenda in Denmark and ensure increased political prioritization.


International communities

Social innovation has deep historical roots and is a high-profile field internationally. The EU, OECD and World Economic Forum all have social innovation at the top of their agendas, as do a large number of renowned Universities around the world. In addition, a large number of governments in countries we usually compare ourselves to have social innovation strategies. The Academy for Social Innovation saw the opportunity to become part of an international network with other key players working with and researching social innovation. The network has been using each other to share knowledge and raise awareness about social innovation.

Social innovation can be an export success, but it requires (a different view on) money

-Anders Folmer Buhelt

Want to know more?

To learn more about Kote_0 and our work with international partners, please contact Anders Folmer Buhelt or read more on the Kote_0 website.


A new Narrative of Learning and Education

In an Innovation Group, we are engaged in shaping a fresh narrative on learning and education, we refer to this work as 'A new Narrative of Learning and Education '.

Other Social Change Initiatives

See other initiatives here

Lab reports

See other Lab reports here
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